How does liposonix work ?

As summer is coming , the fat removal body slimming treatment is becoming more and more popular. If you are also thinking to do a fat removal treatment , here starnewtech introduced a very hot treatment liposonix. Here are some common questions from our customers, hope you can kindly check it. If still have any other unclear, please feel free to contact at . 1.What is Liposonix? The Liposonix treatment is a non-surgical, non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy (HIFU) to permanently destroy fat cells. 2. Does it work? What are the results? Yes. In properly selected patients , we see meaningful results in at least 90% of the treatments. While these results vary, both clinical studies and our experience have shown typical waistline reduction of about one dress or pant size (1 inch or 2.5 cm). Aesthetic outcomes have been very good for patients that have maintained a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. 3. Who is ...