
目前显示的是 2017的博文


Vaginal tightening: It isn’t always talked about openly, but it is something an increasing number of women are curious about. Why? Well, our vaginas age in the same way as the rest of our bodies, and the consequences of this can sometimes be unpleasant. The good news is, whether you are experiencing vaginal atrophy (the degeneration in vaginal tissue, commonly associated with menopause), stress incontinence (or light bladder leakage), vaginal laxity post-childbirth, low sexual gratification or a combination of symptoms, there are vaginal rejuvenation treatments out there that can help. One such treatment is High Intense Focused Ultrasound(HIFU): a vaginal tightening treatment program that promises to help tighten and rejuvenate your vagina, without the need for surgery. Are the results permanent? I have read/heard about muscle memory and that it goes back to pre-treatment state. The treatment does not affect muscle directly. It stimulates the reproduction of collagen and r

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day

The Double Seventh Festival refers to the seventh night of the seventh lunar month. It is a traditional folk festival of the Han people. This night is not only the time when the legendary Cowherd and the Girl Weaver are supposed to have their annual meeting, but also a good opportunity for women to pray for the Girl Weaver for the purpose of seeking dexterity. Therefore, this festival is also named " Maiden's Day", " Daughter's Day". The day is not as well-known as many other Chinese festivals. But almost everyone in China, young or old, is very familiar with the story behind it. Once upon a time, there lived a poor cowherd, Niulang, whose parents had died long before. He had to live together with his elder brother. Unfortunately, his brother and his sister-in -law were very mean and often treated Niulang very badly. They would not give him enough food to eat, and made him work so hard that he hardly had time to sleep. Finally, they kicked him of their ho

Why choose CO2 Fractional Laser for Vaginal Atrophy?

What causes vaginal thinning? Vaginal thinning is caused by an under-supply of oestrogen, and results in reduced hydration and thickness of the protective mucosa (vaginal skin). This leads to a loss of natural lubrication, and changes in the natural pH balance of the area. In younger women, vaginal thinning can be associated with eating disorders, low body weight, post-cancer treatment, early menopause or high level athletic training. As you get older, vaginal thinning is a normal ageing process after menopause but can be worse in some women who may also have had treatment for cancer. It requires an appropriate daily skin care regime. Sometimes, prolonged use of the Pill, injected or rod-type hormonal contraceptives may also lead to an under supply of oestrogen. What are the symptoms of vaginal thinning? This can cause symptoms such as: Vaginal itching and burning Dryness and loss of lubrication Incontinence and urinary urgency Prolapse and laxity Vaginal and vu

How will you do when this problems occur after the Hifu treatment?

Nowadays, people are more and more keep their attention on beauty, so after 30 years, there will be slackness in our face. Slackness is the source of the aging of the skin. No matter the overall looseness such as double chin and fuzziness of facial outline, or partial slack such as and nasolabial folds, they are all the signs of the incoming of slackness.  High Intensity Focused Ultrasound  was first applies to treat cancer and tumor, Later in the clinical experiments scientists found Transducer can focus the Ultrasound energy to reach the deep layer of the skin which laser can not, and make the target tissue in the focused area solidify. Then the surrounded tissue start to shrink, resulting in the up lifted skin. Because it leaves no trace on the epidermis, it became the new concept of non-invasive skin lifting, around the world. But Afer the  Hifu  treatment, how should we do if the patients face shows this problems? 1. Skin swelling The reason: (1) In the  H

How lipo laser works and why our lipo laser's feedback is so great

How lipo laser works and why our lipo laser's feedback is so great? Many people begin to pay attention to weight loss, and some people ask me how to make body slimming quickly, just like this picture, when you make photos, you are slim but after that, you do not control yourself and eat much in everyday, so that result in the fat body! Another reason for becoming fat is your “lazy”, but I believe that as long as we have perseverance and determination, we can keep a slimming and beautiful body! The most important method to keep it is eating less and exercising more, but we are so busy with our work, just this can not achieve our goal, so we need some machines to help us! Today I want to introduce our  lipo laser  to you. How It Works Body by Lipo uses low level laser therapy technology that mimics the body’s natural metabolic process to provide a painless and non-invasive alternative to surgery. During each treatment, the laser energy safely penetrates your skin at a spe